Beauty, Uncategorized


How annoying is internet! Mine was out for not even 2 days and I found myself so lost that I started mopping the walls but I’m back and eager to post again for you guys! So I thought I’d do something a little different this week and share with you some of my favourite things that aren’t just beauty related! Get to know what helps me live my best life! This post could of turned into a freakin novel but I narrowed it down for you all, SO KEEP READING…




This has been an ongoing obsession since day one. I have all the seasons on DVD which they come out a week before by birthday so my dad always buys me the new release each year. And I’m that crazy about it that I won’t actually watch the discs, there just for show but I’ll watch them on Netflix. I don’t think I go a week without watching at least one episode. Weird right. My favourite season is such a hard one. It would probably be between season 1, Murder House or season 7, Roanoke. But who am I kidding, I don’t hate any of them!!




Chocolate is a serious addiction for me. I would eat at least 3 blocks a week. And not just that but Oreos. Coat a dog shit in chocolate and I’d give it a go. Hahaha nah but the obsession is bad. I’ll generally eat it in bed at night so I don’t have to share it with anyone. My not so secret shame.



This stuff is Jesus Christ’s tears. It’s amazing. The best foundation I’ve ever had. I’m in shade 210 and I’ve almost ran out but this bright spark thought she’d play a round of beer pong on Australia Day and after that got me a bit ‘how’s it goin’ I decided to order some more. But not just that, I ordered 2 bottles…. and some Kat Von D setting powder. Oh and did I mention I also purchased the Fenty Beauty Stunna Lip Paint? So yeh. That happened. Don’t drink and scroll Sephora kids.



Summer is such a special time of the year for my family. Any hot day we can, we go down the beach with friends and family and just spend the day soaking in the sun and playing around the water. Not only that but seeing how fun my girls are having. We went down there the other weekend and my skin was so crispy chicken.

NENE VALLEY, SOUTH AUSTRALIA. Photo taken by yours truly.



Once in a blue moon I’ll do a massive order of Chinese food that will literally feed 3 families. There is just way too much delicious things on the menu to pass up! Recently me and my partner have been obsessed with salt and pepper prawn. Holy shit. But it’s so weird. Like you could literally eat 3 plates of Chinese food and 100%, you will be hungry within the hour. Left overs are usually eaten before the night ends!



If anyone hasn’t seen this already, Buzzfeed unsolved is one of my favourite youtube channels. Two men travel around exploring crime scenes or paranormal places that have been labelled unsolved. Even though the subjects are so dark the hosts are hilarious! I love this shit! I love the paranormal and just anything that will creep me out and keep me awake at night. I’m deranged. My favourite episode would be ‘3 Horrifying Cases of Ghosts and Demons’. I don’t want to give too much away but they go to the ‘Doll Island’ in Mexico, ‘The Westchester House’ and ‘The Sallie House’. All equally as freaky as the other. Ill link the channel down below!




I’m a stay at home mum so I generally spend my day sitting on the couch doing nothing. WRONG! I sit on the couch when I’m picking fucking sultanas out from between the cushions. There is always cleaning to do, constant washing and meals to prepare and what better way to do so then to listen to a true crime podcast, am I right??? I find it so interesting! My favourite true crime podcast would be ‘Sword and Scale’. A man named Mike Boudet covers the ins and outs of true crime from around the world and the criminal justice systems response. Sounds boring? Give it a listen but just keep in mind this is not for the faint hearted!




They call it vintage, I call it my childhood. Its one of the things I remember doing a lot as a kid. Me and my brother use to thrive off the Nintendo and I really enjoyed playing it with him. Donkey Kong country, 2 and 3 are my favourite. I also play a lot of Mario. For my birthday last year my fiancé actually bought me the new Super Nes Mini and it was love at first site. It fits in the palm of my hand and it so adorable!! We’ve spent countless nights yelling at the TV and each other for that matter. And like we always say, couples that play Mario Kart on the Super Nintendo together, stay together. Or is that just us?




I love a good scented candle. Its not just the smell but they generally make me feel better about life. I love really fruity ones and that are really strong smelling! Vanilla or Lavender…get the fuck out of town. Yuck.



Coffee is a obsession, a necessity and an addiction. I literally cant function without it. If I don’t have one before lunch my day is ruined with this hectic migraine that I cant get rid of. This may sounds dramatic but I’m for reals. If Hayley hasn’t had a coffee approach with caution, I’m an asshole.


So there you have it. 10 of a few of my favourite things! I hope you enjoyed reading this post today and let me know if you’d like to read more personal posts in the comments below! Don’t forget it follow my Instagram @beautifulgossip for updates and other news! Love you guys!

-Hayley xxoo


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